How to Engage Your Network

Want to help us raise funds for our next library opening? There are a number a ways that you can help the Literate Earth Project in our fundraising efforts.


Create a Facebook Fundraiser

Gather your friends and family to support The Literate Earth Project’s Libraries in Uganda. All you need is 5 minutes to start a fundraiser and change a child’s life!


raise money on instagram

Did you know you can add a donate sticker to your instagram story to raise money for the Literate Earth Project? If you’re interested, you can find step-by-step instructions on this blog post.


Thank your supporters

We genuinely appreciate every donation we receive. If someone you know makes a donation to the Literate Earth Project, contact us and we will send a personalized thank you on your behalf!


Talk to your friends

Want to talk to your friends about the Literate Earth Project, but don’t know where to start? Print out our organizational overview for some high-level talking points and information to share!